Saturday, August 31, 2019

Genocide in Bosnia Essay

The Bosnian genocide is often referred to as the hidden genocide, yet it had catastrophic effects on humanity. Over 100,000 people were killed and it displaced millions of people. The genocide occurred between 1992 and 1995. The Social Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was made up of six nations under the leadership of Josip Broz Tito. Once Tito passed away in 1990, there was a power vacuum, and politicians began a nationalistic campaign pitting Serbs, Croats and Bosniaks against each other. Hence, the beginning of an â€Å"ethnic cleansing† war (Campbell, 2003 p.511). Once Milosevic was the President of Republic of Serbia, he encouraged formation of violent uprisings by Serb nationals. Milosevic was interested in creating an ethnically pure Serb nation. Milosevic’s ambition worried the nations in the federal government; hence Croatia and Slovenia declared themselves independent from the republic. However, Croatia was not allowed to leave because it had 12% of the Serbian population. Hence Croatia became a battlefield between 1991- 1996. Bosnia-Herzegovina watched the horrors in Croatia as they worried about themselves being the next victim. Bosnia-Herzegovina held a referendum in 1992 and declared itself free from the republic. The Serbs in Bosnia were not happy about it, and they began fighting with the support of the Yugoslavian National Army. Bosnia and Croatia lacked weapons to defend themselves because the UN had enacted an embargo, thus they were victims of an endless cycle of violence, displacement and death (Schott, 2011 p.19). Serbian plan of attack entailed the following steps; concentration, decapitation, separation, evacuation ad liquidation. During concentration stage, Serbian soldiers would warn Serbians to leave the town they were about to attack and surround the city with artillery fire. The second stage involved execution of the town’s leaders, military and intelligence. On the third stage, Serbian soldiers would separate women, children and old people from â€Å"fighting group†. Women, children and old people would be taken to concentration camps, while the young people were executed. This brings me to the subject of this essay. Women were targeted in specific ways when compa red to men. Unlike, the young male soldiers who were executed, women lived longer to and experience  untold suffering under the Serb soldiers. Women were interchangeably used by soldiers as sexual trophies (Lentin, 1997). This essay analyses the genocide on a gendered frame, so as to shine light on the awful atrocities women faced in the hands of Serbian militia. From a gender frame, sexual violence in war cannot be reduced to psychological attributes of the perpetrators. Genocidal rape has to be analyzed in terms of social structures. Rape in Bosnia was systematic, since it was planned. Bosnian genocide is the only genocide that women bodies were used as a battlefield. This genocide trampled upon all women rights. The Serbian militants lacked respect and sympathy for women. The Yugoslav army, Bosnian Serb forces and Chetniks came up with a sexual violence campaign against Croats and Muslim women. They killed, imprisoned, terrorized and raped women in the hope that they would leave and never come back. The attack on women was not an accident. It was premeditated as a lot of soldiers took part in sexual violence campaign. Th eir commanders were aware of what was going on, and they turned a blind eye. The attackers used the Ram & Brana plan of attack (1991). The plan said that successful attacks should be the one carried out on the enemy’s weakest point. The weakest point during wars is usually women and children. By attacking the weakest point, they were able to spread panic and fear in the population hence Croats and Bosnians could only run away for safety (Abreu, 2005 p.5). Since this was an â€Å"ethnic cleansing war†, the Serbian armed forces believed that sexual violence against women was an act of tainting the bloods of the Croats and Bosnians (Allen, 1996 p. 23). Culture and religion played a big part in this war; hence the attackers believed that they were annihilating their culture through sexual violence. The Serbians waged a psychological warfare on their enemies, such that they believed that by raping women, impregnating them and forcefully aborting their fetuses they were cleansing them. The Serbian armed forces also carried out sexual assaults against men. Serbia, Bosnia and almost all Balkan nations are lawfully heterosexual nations. Hence by raping men, they were degrading them or feminizing them and making them powerless. By raping their victims, the victims were gendered as feminine or attached with feminine qualities of vulnerability. Apart from the psychological effects of sexual violence on women, women faced a lot of physical suffering in the â€Å"rape camps†. The Serbian forces had created rape camps as a substitute for  concentration camps, so that they would use them to sexually violate women. In fact the Serbian forces had a modus operandi for sexually assaulting women (Abreu, 2005 p.11). The modus operandi was characterized by three patterns; public rape of children and women in their villages, sporadic rape of women and children in concentration camps and lastly rape in death/ rape camps. During the three stages women were subjected to all kinds of violence. Women went through gang rapes, sexual mutilations, forced impregnation and childbirth, sexual abuse with foreign objects and family me mbers were forced to rape their women. The extreme sexual violence was meant to defile, destroy the community and to make them leave. It is obvious that the war was motivated by nationalistic intentions, but the way the war was carried out, misogyny is another probable cause of the war. Most atrocities that took place in Bosnia genocide have been termed as â€Å"femicidal† (Turpin 1998 p. 67). Bosnians and Croats have traditional cultures. Women are supposed to be pure, and when they are not pure they are ostracized from the society. After the genocide, women who were victim of sexual violence were avoided. The tainted women were no longer acceptable by their friends and families, and this was the goal of the Serbian perpetrators. This justifies the fact that misogyny could have been another reason for the war. In a gendered frame analysis, it is clear that there was feminization of the genocide (MacKinnon, 2006 p.18). In genocide, women are usually seen as universal victims. Sexual violence against women is seen as a mortal sin against motherhood. The notion of ‘combat’ and battlefields are constructs of masculinity. The Serbian armed forces believed that through sexual violence campaign, they would turn their victims powerless (Femininity) analysis of war is often carried out from a masculine point of view. However, Bosnia genocide is gendered, as it represents women as victims, sexual objects, symbolic of their nation and repositories of their families. The Serbs militia believed that by defiling the women, they would be defiling the nations (Bosnia and Croatia) Collins (1996) attempts to explain genocidal rape from a feminist perspective, he says that women are the ones who hold families and the community. Their physical and emotional destruction through rape is a symbol of destruction of the social and cultural stability of a nation. The sexual violence involved heightened sadism, for instance forceful rape with family members. The sexual violence  aimed at destroying the victims emotionally, destroying the community and imposing restrictions on women so as to control births. The sexual genocide did not only target the individual victim, but it targeted the group too. Rape as a genocide strategy destroys women’s role as mothers and caregivers, hence the pivotal source of the life to the community is destroyed. According to Mc Kinnon (2006, 187), sexual campaign was used by the Serbian military as a tool for political campaign, soldiers were to rape under orders. The sexual violence campaign was characterized by forced rape and forced impregnation. After the Croatian and muslim women were sexually abuse, they were denied abortions so that they would give birth to â€Å"Serb† babies. Forced impregnation was seen as a way of destroying the maternal community as they gave birth to the child of the enemy ( Allen, 1996 p.76). The rapists violated the rights of women through forceful procreation, which is a deliberate and a sadist act. The children of the rapists often stigmatized or abandoned as they brought negative memories to their mothers. The forced pregnancies on rape victims were seen as a way of preventing births among the Croats and Muslims. The perpetrators of rape believed that they were producing â€Å"Little Chetniks†. From a feminist perspective, the act of forced imp regnation is like imposing a social death on the victims. The women were tortured, and they did not want those children. It turned Croatian and Muslim women as gestating beings for the enemy. Stories from the war show a lot of women who recounted how they were raped repeatedly until they were pregnant, and the women wanted nothing to do with the children. Another explanation of forced rape is the fact that rape was used as a tool of biological warfare. Forced rape and impregnation meets the requirement of biological warfare according to international law (Seifet, 1996 p.42). MacKinnon also analyzes Bosnian rape by comparing it with pornography. In the 1990s, pornography was very common in Yugoslavia. When porn is common in a society, the whole population learns to dehumanize women and inflict sexual assault. Pornographic materials provided the need motivation and materials for Serbian forces. In the rape camps, women were ordered to perform for men; in fact some rapes were filmed and sold as pornographic products since they could not be differentiated from actual pornography. The films were even released in the media so as to amass popularity for Bosnian war. The dialogue s in the pornography were used to  implicate Croatian soldiers. According to MacKinnon (2006), sexual violence was used so consciously and cynically in a way that destroyed people. Once pornography was released, more Serbian forces were encouraged to continually assault women. Genocidal rape in Bosnia was seen as an ethno marker. Ethnic markers are things such as dressing, lifestyle and language. The Serbians, Croats and Bosnians had almost similar ethnic markers. Since they were a part of Yugoslavia republic, the ethnic lines had been blurred. Rape was used by the Serbs to act as a moral ethno marker, as it separated them from the Croats and Muslims. They felt that it created cultural superiority of the Serbians. In fact Serbian law was amended to include ethnic rape, and they believed that the differences in ethnicity aggravated the crime. The mass rapes occurred in places where Serbs were a minority when compared to the size of Croats and Muslims (Allen, 1996 p.19). This was a way of asserting their superiority in the region. Sexual violence was also used to socialize new military recruits. Rape isolated the new recruits from the community and prepared them for battlefield. In Bosnia, sexual violence perpetrated by new recruits occurred in front of other soldiers and the victims even know their perpetrators. The Bosnian war was used by the Serbs to renegotiate their relationship with the other Balkan nations. Rape was seen as a way of establishing new boundaries, as they felt that they were the superior ethnic group. From a gender based analysis it is evident that the legal framework did not address the sexual violence against women in Bosnia well (MacKinnon, 2006 p.89). The law blamed the genocide on ethnicity, and disregarded the fact that it was sex based. The Serb military attack on women was premeditated and executed in three stages. The creation of rape camps shows that the intent was sexually based, in as much as it was ethnically motivated. Failure by the law to acknowledge this is a huge set back on women rights. The law perpetuates patriarchy in legal constructs in violation of women rights. Failure to acknowledge it also prevents the law from addressing the genocidal rape adequately. The law is ignoring the existence and horrifying effects of genocidal sexual terrorism to women (Abreu, 2005 p. 16). This is quite cowardly as the law uses ethnicity to cover the severe harm that women suffered in the hands of Serbian militants. The law enables the perpetrators to hide under ethnic crimes, yet they committed more inhumane atrocities. The law usually acknowledges sexual  crimes, but sexual crimes during genocides were only termed as other inhumane acts. This is blatant sex discrimination propagated by the law. In conclusion, analyzing genocide on a gender framed perspective gives various explanations and perspectives on the violence against women in Bosnia. The sexual violence against women in Bosnia genocide is distinct. Many women can recount the horror they went through in the hands of the Serbian perpetrators. The violence against women was planned as a war strategy. International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) should recognize genocidal sex terrorism, rather than hiding it under ethnic-based persecutions (Campbell, 2003 p.509). Serbian militants reduced women as a means of achieving their goals for the genocide. Addressing this problem will help the victim feel like they have achieved some semblance of justice, though nothing can compare to what they went through. Genocide sexual terrorism should be acknowledged by the law, and the legal elements regarding it should be outlined. Using a gender frame to analyze genocide helps us learn about the psychological and soc ial reasons for rape during genocides, rather than just saying that they were raped because they belonged to the enemy’s side. References Abreu, Veronica. (2005) Women’s Bodies as Battlefields In The Former Yugoslavia: An Argument For The Prosecution Of Sexual Terrorism As Genocide And For The Recognition of Genocidal Sexual Terrorism As A Violation Of Jusc Cogens Under International Law. The Georgetown Journal of Gender and Law, Vol. V1:1 Allen, B (1996) Rape Warfare: The Hidden Genocide in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Campbell, K., 2003, â€Å"Rape as a ‘Crime Against Humanity’: Trauma, Law and Justice in the ICTY†, Journal of Human Rights, 2(4): 507–515. Caringella, S., (2008) Addressing Rape Reform in Law and Practice, New York: Columbia University Press. Jones, Adam (2006) Genocide: A Comprehensive Introduction. New York City: Routledge, 2006. MacKinnon, C., (2006) Are Women Human? And Other International Dialogues, Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press. Ringelheim, J.M. (1997) ‘Genocide and gender: a split memory’ in R. Lentin (editor) Gender and Catastrophe. London: Zed Books. Schott, R. (2011), â€Å"War Rape, Natality and Genocide†, Journal of Genocide Research, 13(1/2): 5-21. Seifert, R., (1996), â€Å"The Second Front: The Logic of Sexual Violence in Wars†, Women’s Studies International Forum, 19(1/2): 35–43. Turpin, J. (1998) ‘Many faces: women confronting war’ in L.A. Lorentzen and J. Turpin (editors) The Women and War Reader. New York: New York University Press.

Friday, August 30, 2019

A Magazine Article for creative writing

George Bernard Shaw once said that ‘A perpetual holiday is a good working definition of hell'. I'm here to analyse whether this is true. He could have meant that a holiday from work or school forever would be hell but I like to think and therefore I'm testing out the theory of actually moving to a place that was once your favourite holiday destination. Will that place still hold all the carefree, luxurious magic that it does when you escape there for a few weeks of rest and relaxation, or will paying tax and contributing to the debate about what time the village lights should be turned off kill that magic for you? My favourite holiday destination was always Roquecor in the south of France. A tiny hilltop village near Toulouse, far from the coast and in the rural mainland. I have been visiting since I was a little girl and to me it always represented peace and happiness. For that one or two weeks a year I was free, even at four years old I think I loved the segregation from daily nursery and weekly ballet lessons. As I got older that feeling of escapism grew, particularly depending on the unfolding dramas affecting my life at different times. People are now saying this trip I am embarking on, taking the plunge of escaping abroad is just that; escaping. I will confirm now that this is all in the name of journalism but I know that deep down I am hoping for the reassuring joy and tranquillity that I experienced annually on holiday in Roquecor, but is that all it's supposed to be, a holiday? The day of departure arrived much sooner than I had anticipated. All my affairs were in order, my accommodation sorted out. I had opted for a beautiful maisonette as there would only be me and my boyfriend, Adam, going out there. He has decided to come indefinitely, quite possibly for good if the dream lives up to all that is anticipated. He was won over by the lure of cheap wine, French bread and better weather. As an aficionado of the French language and a trained teacher, he has managed to wangle his was into being the English teacher at the local primary school. My job as a journalist is highly mobile and I will continue to pursue with this career and also start work on my novel. On the way to the airport I think about all the things that I'll miss and the things I won't; fresh milk, re-runs of The Vicar of Dibley and Blackadder, and London yobs (which obviously falls into the latter category). Then suddenly I realise, and it shocks me that I haven't thought of it before. Not only am I emigrating abroad but I'm swapping a vibrant city for a remote village. Suddenly my mind swims with things that I will miss and with the realisation that even the overcrowded underground in the middle of summer becomes something I yearn for, well almost. The maisonette is delightful, full of charm and character. It is on the main street through the village but it is nothing like the main roads in England. It is a small ‘rue' with flower baskets hanging on every house and the traditional shutters adorning them. It is the ‘tour de guet' the watchtower to the village that is ours. Basically it is the gatehouse, the first house on the road into the village however we will only occupy the top part of the five story house which we enter straight from the road as the rest on the house continues down into the hill and a sloping path reaches the front door at the bottom for the other tenants. Inside the property is quintessentially French and when you open the windows in the back room you easily have the most breathtaking view you could imagine. You are on the top of a cliff with nothing but countryside and fields full of bright yellow sunflowers. We unpack and decorate the property with our personal touches, all we can do seeing as it is ready furnished. A celebratory gin and tonic is rapidly concocted from the supplies in the larder and we head out to the terrace at the front of the house. Beautiful, sun kissed French children hurriedly skip up the hill talking excitedly of their fathers boar hunting trip. They abruptedly stop when they see our pale inquisitive faces, whisper to each other for a moment and then give us broad grins and a chorus of ‘Salut! ‘ rings around us. I grin back at them, then grin at Adam and realise that I have grinned like this for a long time. Will I continue grinning like this? Only time will tell and so for now I'm going to go and enjoy, as they say, the first day of the rest of my life.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Comparison of A Doll’s House and A Streetcar Named Desire Essay

Prompt #14: â€Å"Important characters in plays are multi-dimensional. Discuss to what extent this statement is true of important characters in plays you have studied and comment on the techniques of characterization employed by the playwright.† Multidimensional characters can also be defined as dynamic or constantly changing and developing characters. These dynamic characters are not simply important to a play, but are arguably the most important characters because what the playwright intends to communicate to his or her audience is communicated through the changing emotions and behaviors of these characters. Additionally, playwrights use a variety of techniques to highlight the changes an important character may go through. The dialogue, staging and stage directions, setting, music, lighting, and even costumes can all be used to highlight a multifaceted character’s emotional and physical changes. In A Doll’s House, by Henrik Ibsen, and A Streetcar Named Desire, by Tennessee Williams, the playwrights primarily use costumes, which parallel the emotional and behavioral changes of important dynamic characters, and contrast in dialogue to amplify developments and changes in the characters’ relationships and behavior. Ibsen’s choice of costume design portrays Nora as a dynamic character in A Doll’s House. Ibsen changes Nora’s costume to parallel her behavioral and emotional changes in the play. The â€Å"Neapolitan fisher-girl† costume, for example, represents Nora’s secrets and their restraint on her autonomy (Ibsen 29). Therefore, Nora’s want to â€Å"tear [the masquerade costume] into a hundred thousand pieces† represents her will to be rid of her lies and to take off of the mask she puts on for Helmer (Ibsen 28). The costume facilitates this need throughout the second act of play. When Nora practices the Tarantella dance, she dances wildly and â€Å"her hair comes down and falls over her shoulders† (Ibsen 47). Wild and free hair has connotations of independence and liberation. Therefore, the costume begins to show the audience her will to free herself from the mask she puts on for Helmer. However, she remains in the dress at this point in the play meaning that she is still restricted by the disguise she wears for Helmer’s satisfaction. Again, the dress highlights Nora’s development when it is removed in Act III before Nora gathers the courage to tell Helmer she must leave him to gain her independence. Nora’s masquerade ball costume conveys how Nora’s lies and mask of happiness restrain her freedom and helps to illustrate her eventual escape from them. Therefore, the costume design amplifies the characteristics that make Nora a dynamic character. Williams also uses his costume designs to characterize his dynamic characters in A Streetcar Named Desire. However, rather than connecting a specific costume with a feeling, he associates a general type of costume with specific emotions and actions. For example, the lavish costuming of Blanche represents the extent of her desire for, and delusion of, an extravagant life. As the play opens and Blanche enters, her appearance is described as â€Å"incongruous to [the] setting† (Williams 15). She is introduced being dressed as if she believes she should be somewhere and someone else. Furthermore, her beauty from the â€Å"white suit with a fluffy bodice, necklace and earrings of pearl† is described as delicate and sensitive to light (Williams 15). This description of Blanche suggests that her rich and royal appearance is purely superficial and does not represent the reality of her life. This connection between costume design and Blanche’s fabricated reality is continued throughout the play. Before beginning to flirt with the young paper boy in Scene Five, Blanche â€Å"takes a large, gossamer scarf from the trunk and drapes it about her shoulders†, and then begins to pretend he is a young Prince and later makes Mitch bow to her (Williams 84). The playwright, Tennessee Williams, connects Blanche’s affluent adornment with her delusions of wealth and importance that develop and grow stronger as the play progresses. In the final scene, Blanche’s illusions blend almost entirely with her reality as she asks Stella to gather a number of elaborate accessories, including a cool yellow silk boucle and â€Å"a silver and turquoise pin in the shape of a seahorse†, and dresses herself in a dress and jacket of a color that Madonna once wore (Williams 132/135). Williams uses this costume to amplify the absurdity of Blanche’s illusion of spending her life on the sea with a millionaire. Therefore, Blanche’s costume choices in A Streetcar Named Desire connect to her developing insanity, which makes her a complex and dynamic character. In A Doll’s House, Ibsen also utilizes tension in dialogue, specifically the tension between Nora’s inward and outward expression of feelings surrounding worth, to portray Nora as a dynamic character. The playwright first creates a contradiction between her internal and external feelings, only to eventually change her apparent expression to match her true feelings. In the first two acts of the play, Nora’s outward expression of a woman’s worth revolves around being a good wife and mother by aiming to please Helmer, her husband. However, her inward feelings portray the opposite. Nora inwardly believes that worth involves being true to herself. Nora is outwardly submissive to her husband by allowing herself to be called by possessive pet names, such as his â€Å"little spendthrift†, his â€Å"squirrel†, or his â€Å"extravagant little person† (Ibsen 2-3). Furthermore, even Nora uses these labels for herself during the first two acts. These names put Nora in a submissive position because they define Nora as a possession of Helmer’s. Therefore, when Nora labels herself a skylark or squirrel, she outwardly submits to the will of her husband, proving her external idea of worth revolves around his happiness. However, whenever Nora yields to Helmer, there are undertones of sarcasm within the dialogue portrayed both by the stage directions and the writing. When Nora first calls herself Helmer’s skylark and squirrel, she does so while â€Å"smiling quietly and happily†, as if she aims to manipulate him with her words (Ibsen 4). This example of irony mixed with manipulation illustrates the contradiction between what Nora outwardly expresses and what she internally believes. Nora’s sarcasm is also present directly in her dialogue with Helmer. In the conclusion of the first act, Nora asks Helmer to â€Å"take [her] in hand and decide† how she should attend the masquerade ball (Ibsen 25). The sarcasm she speaks these lines with is evident when she utilizes hyperboles to appeal to Helmer’s ego, such as telling him â€Å"no one has such good taste† and that she â€Å"can’t get along a bit without† his help (Ibsen 25). Therefore, Nora’s exaggerated submission to Helmer suggests a dichotomy between her internal ideas of worth and her actions. Yet, as the play develops, Nora’s actions begin to match her interpretation of value. She begins to overtly become a subject of her life, rather than the subject of her husband’s. In the final pages of Act III, Nora discards the view she externally portrayed in the first acts of A Doll’s House by explicitly rejecting Helmer’s assertion that â€Å"before all else, [she is] a wife and a mother† (Ibsen 66). She explains to Helmer that she believes that â€Å"before all else [she] is a reasonable human being†¦ [who] must think over things for [herself] and get to understand them† (Ibsen 66). This rejection of blind obedience and assertion of autonomy supports the claim that Nora’s outward expression developed over the course of the final act to match her opinion of worthiness. Because Nora’s expression of merit changed over the course of the play, she is considered a dynamic, or multifaceted character. Therefore, Ibsen’s use of dialogue in A Doll’s House is instrumental in portraying Nora as an important and multidimensional character. Tennessee Williams also uses tension in dialogue within his play, A Streetcar Named Desire, to portray his significant characters as multidimensional. However, rather than creating tension by using contradiction to develop a single character’s dialogue, Williams creates tension by contrasting the dialogue of Stanley and Blanche. This distinction between the two characters, and the way they communicate in the play, causes behavioral changes suggesting that dialogue is responsible for dynamic transformations in the characters’ actions. Blanche’s speech is educated and full of literary illusions. She uses a reference to the gothic poet Edgar Allen Poe to describe her sister’s life and situation by calling her neighborhood â€Å"the ghoul-haunted woodland of Weir† (Williams 20). This complexity present in Blanche’s dialogue portrays her as a representation of the old, aristocratic South. In contrast with Blanche’s more sophisticated way of speaking, Stanley uses simple societal based metaphors and commonplace clichà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s in his dialogue. Rather than using a literary based metaphor for Blanche, Stanley uses one based on politics. Stanley describes her fame in Laurel â€Å"as if she [were] the President of the United States, only she is not respected by any party† (Williams 99). Additionally, the clichà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s Stanley uses in his speech, such as â€Å"no, siree, bob†, â€Å"boy, oh, boy†, or â€Å"the jig was all up† portrays Stanley as the down-to-earth representation of the New South (Williams 100-101). The contrast between the dialogue of the two characters and the connection it has with the social group they identify with highlights their dynamic characteristics by emphasizing Blanche’s attempt and ultimate failure to integrate herself into the less aristocratic and educated New Orleans. Therefore, the playwright’s effort to contrast the dialogues of Blanche and Stanley facilitates Blanche’s representation as a multifaceted and changing character in A Streetcar Named Desire. Analyzing how a playwright portrays his or her dynamic characters gives insight into what the playwright intends to say through their development. For example, Henrik Ibsen uses a single costume to connect the audience with Nora’s progression into an autonomous woman in order to focus the audience’s attention on a single facet of Nora’s life and desires, while Williams uses many costumes with varying degrees of lavishness, to highlight the degree to which Blanche blends reality with fantasy. Furthermore, Ibsen uses tension in dialogue of a single character to keep the audience’s focus on Nora, while Williams contrasts the speech of two characters to highlight the contrast between two different social worlds, the new and old South. Therefore, the most important characters in a play are always multidimensional characters because most of a playwright’s commentary is included in the development of these characters and analyzing the techniques a playwright employs to distinguish a dynamic character helps to convey meaning. Bibliography Ibsen, Henrik. A Doll’s House. Print. Williams, Tennessee. A Streetcar Named Desire. New York: Signet, 1975. Print.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Labour Law in Canada Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Labour Law in Canada - Research Paper Example Therefore labour rights, derive their basis from the international bill of rights. The right to work, to free choice of employment and to just and favourable conditions are fundamental human rights. The relationship between an employer and an employee is referred as labour relations, which is also a contract. In such contracts each party undertakes to perform certain obligations, with the employees’ biggest obligation being to provide labour while the employer provides payment for the service rendered. Employment relationships normally contain several terms and conditions which are the rights and duties both the employer and their employees have agreed upon, thus the employer cannot impose terms and conditions on employees without their approval or their union’s approval. Terms are regulated by law and are also negotiated between the parties through a process called collective bargaining which eventually arrives at an agreeable collective bargaining agreement. Collective bargaining agreements are contracts resulting from the process of collective bargaining between unions and employers, for the purposes of regulating the procedures that will be adopted by the union and the employer and determining the terms and conditions under which workers will work.2 Terms and conditions in which the union can negotiate on behalf of its members include: f) Machinery for negotiations or consultation, and other procedure and matters relating to recognition of the trade union by the employer to represent workers in such negotiations or consultation or in carrying out such procedures. In Canada strikes or lockouts are not permitted under the labour relations code during the term of a collective agreement and the union cannot therefore declare or authorize a strike; however they could be allowed if they serve as a means of resolving a

Critically Discuss the Relation Between Emotional Intelligence And Essay

Critically Discuss the Relation Between Emotional Intelligence And Employee Performance - Essay Example p management believes that the subordinates are always lazy at work and dissatisfied with their norms without any organization and productivity happening at their respective ends (Reilly, 2009, 56). There are times when the top management does take notice of the fact that these problems have attained significance for good or for bad; however the same need to be stopped in order to bring about sanity within the workplace domains. Therefore the emotional significance is touched upon in entirety under such situations because it deems quite a lot of significance in the long run. The most basic definition of emotional intelligence is the ability or skill to properly identify, find out and thus take control of one’s emotional realms and the people around such individuals. Thus the emotional intelligence understandings are reached upon when the individuals working within a group have to deal with one another and thus document their own selves as well, within a short amount of time, a nd without much hassle coming to the fore. The employees need to understand that the other individuals working within a group or an entity, are also human beings and they are having an emotional intelligence all this while as well (Boyle, 2006, 122). There is a dire need to understand on the part of the organizations that deal with emotionally charged up people to take a look at their psychological realms and thus solve the issues that hamper their smooth working domains. What this will do is to gauge how well they can adapt with the different situations that come about and how sanity shall prevail in the end within the workplace environments. High levels of performance are rest assured within the workplace dynamics because a great amount of importance is attached to the same dictum of... This essay stresses that one must comprehend that it is significant to discern the fact as to how and in what manner emotional intelligence could benefit the basis of employees and workers in a workplace setting since this is generally a new phenomenon which is on the rise. The future of work has a number of drastic issues that must be settled early. This is because employees fear for these issues to crop up on an irregular basis. A couple of issues that will shape up the future of work include privacy and the ever-falling motivation. This brings into reckoning a couple of significant problems that hamper both men and women who work within the realms of a workplace environment and the same means a great amount of distraction for the people who are focusing on getting employed within such companies as varied vacancies are opening up from time to time. This paper makes a conclusion that it is a fact that privacy for the sake of the employees remains a quintessential aspect as this tangent is close to the hearts of the people who matter the most. It is a fact that privacy for employees is something that has a great amount of value upon their entireties as no one likes to share his/her respective views within the workplace limits. It will be interesting to note the responses of the subjects after a period of a year or two and by that time much research would have come in line with the same topic.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Human Resources, Competitive Advantg Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Human Resources, Competitive Advantg - Essay Example HR will have to ensure that they are given equal opportunity and they are protected against issues such as sex discrimination. 2. Sexual harassment has been defined as sexual moves that are unasked for by the victim, requests of favors that are sexual in nature in exchange of promotion or threat of firing the employee and physical and verbal actions and movements that are sexual in nature. Sexual harassment that is recognized as Quid Pro Quo occurs when an individual is offered promotion or is threatened to be fired from his/her position if the employee rejects or accepts favors that are sexual in nature. Sexual harassment that is recognized as Hostile environment occurs when people on the same level of the hierarchy conduct activities that are sexual in nature and are unwanted and make the environment difficult for the victim to continue to operate in an efficient manner. 3. When during the procedure of selection and hiring the HR employs a multiple hurdle model, the applicant has to stay successful during different steps of a test and they have to prove to be successful in every step. If they fail to achieve the passing score in a particular test, they are deemed as unfit for the job. If the HR has employed a compensatory model, they will be making their hiring decision based on the overall scores of all the tests. This model is based on the premise that if an applicant performs well on one test and fails to perform well on the other test, the earlier score will compensate for the score of the second test. 4. According to the job characteristic model, there are five characteristics of a particular job. The first characteristic is skill variety, which is defined as the number of skills that are required to perform a particular job; the second is task identity, which is defined as the completion of the job from the starting point to the ending point. The third is task significance which is defined as how

Monday, August 26, 2019

CAPM (Capital Asset Pricing Model) and Its Practical Use Essay

CAPM (Capital Asset Pricing Model) and Its Practical Use - Essay Example It is carried out through a properly designed and professional model that does not require to be completely renewed on a case by case basis. It has, therefore, met the requirements of the Asset Management industry in which the capacity to correctly price securities, and to properly infer the right rate of return. These are used to determine traditional and innovative alternative assets and provide all qualities that can make possible for a portfolio manager to gain an early lead over competitors (Brigham and Houston). The model, from a technical perspective, has been based on the works of Dr Harry Markowitz, a widely renowned professional and researcher who had been able to conduct important studies and researches in the field of diversification and of modern portfolio theory. According to his studies, some fundamental proven hypotheses can be synthesized as follows: Harry Markowitz, Nobel Prizer, investigated the effects of correlation rates and of diversification policies and strat egies. As a result, he found that diversification in this sense, when correctly computed and carried out, can reduce and minimize the risk of a portfolio, together with an improvement of its required rate of returns. In this perspective, a Markowitz Efficient Portfolio has been defined as the portfolio where no added diversification can lower its risk for a given return expectation. In this sense, the ability to properly synthesize the main portfolio requirements is needed in order for a portfolio manager to meet the expectations and to reach the highest expected return. Once this efficient portfolio and its relative asset allocation is reached, no investor can minimize the risk further, and any departure from this allocation is perceived as something that impairs the risk level, and any asset added to the portfolio in this sense increases the risk level of the portfolio. An accurate selection of the most efficient portfolio, hence, can be reached through the analysis of the various possible portfolios of the given securities in the light of their degree of diversification. Dr Harry Markovitz also developed and implemented the so called â€Å"efficient frontier†, which represents the total and integral selection of the most efficient portfolios, analyzed on a risk return perspective. Under this view, the portfolios of assets that compose the efficient frontier are the ones that maximize return levels for certain given amounts of volatility (defined as risk). In this perspective, Harry Markowitz developed a mean Variance model that maximizes returns for given risk levels; the major assumptions of the model are the following: Investors tend to be rational Investors can easily determine the set of efficient portfolios highlighted above and can maximize their returns for a given level of risk There is a single period investment, as compulsory one for the analysis Risk of a portfolio is highly dependent on the variability of returns An investor prefers to in crease the consumption Investors are risk averse by their nature The utility function of investors has a concave shape Major technical aspects of this model make possible to infer some major behavioral characteristic: firstly, investors prefer to retain a portfolio with lower risk, for a given return level. In addition to this, for a given risk (and volatility) level, investors tend to prefer portfolios with higher returns (Markowitz). Investors can be defined as risk averse when their expressed main priority is to minimize risk, and therefore, choose portfolios with lower risk. While, on the other side they are believed to be rational when they prefer asset

Sunday, August 25, 2019

The Science of Nutrition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

The Science of Nutrition - Essay Example Describe the processes involved in cellular protein synthesis. How would synthesis be affected by intake of an otherwise adequate diet that is very low in glycine or low in tryptophan How would synthesis be affected by a diet that is low in energy Proteins are widely used in cells to provide different functions such as providing structural support for cells or to act as enzymes to catalyze certain reactions. Since the beginning of evolution, cells have developed the ability to synthesize proteins. To manufacture proteins, cells follow a very systematic procedure that first transcribes DNA into mRNA and then translates the mRNA into chains of amino acids. The amino acid chain then folds into specific proteins. [11] These two processes are 1. DNA Transcription Protein synthesis initiates in the cell's nucleus when the gene encoding a protein is copied into RNA. Genes, in the form of DNA, are rooted in the cell's chromosomes. The process of transferring the gene's DNA into RNA is called transcription. Transcription helps to increase the amount of DNA by creating many copies of RNA that can act as the template for protein synthesis. The RNA copy of the gene is called the mRNA. After transcription, the mRNA is transported out of the cell's nucleus through nuclear pores to go to the site of translation, the rough endoplasmic reticulum. [4] 2. RNA Translation After the mRNA has been taken to the rough endoplasmic reticulum, it is fed into the ribosomal translation machineries. Ribosomes begin to read the mRNA sequence to convert the mRNA into protein. The mRNA sequence is matched three nucleotides at a time to a complementary set of three nucleotides in the anticodon region of the corresponding tRNA molecule.... As the essay declares proteins are widely used in cells to provide different functions such as providing structural support for cells or to act as enzymes to catalyze certain reactions. Since the beginning of evolution, cells have developed the ability to synthesize proteins. To manufacture proteins, cells follow a very systematic procedure that first transcribes DNA into mRNA and then translates the mRNA into chains of amino acids. The amino acid chain then folds into specific proteins. According to the report findings protein synthesis initiates in the cell's nucleus when the gene encoding a protein is copied into RNA. Genes, in the form of DNA, are rooted in the cell's chromosomes. The process of transferring the gene's DNA into RNA is called transcription. Transcription helps to increase the amount of DNA by creating many copies of RNA that can act as the template for protein synthesis. The RNA copy of the gene is called the mRNA. After transcription, the mRNA is transported out of the cell's nucleus through nuclear pores to go to the site of translation, the rough endoplasmic reticulum. After the mRNA has been taken to the rough endoplasmic reticulum, it is fed into the ribosomal translation machineries. Ribosomes begin to read the mRNA sequence to convert the mRNA into protein. The mRNA sequence is matched three nucleotides at a time to a complementary set of three nucleotides in the anticodon region of the corresponding tRNA molecule.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

The impact of advertising in our daily life Essay

The impact of advertising in our daily life - Essay Example This essay "The impact of advertising in our daily life" outlines the importance, functions, and advantages of the print advertisement over the ad on the Internet. The print ad of Coca-Cola Company published in 1969 presents the image of the chilled Coca-Cola bottle and a glass filled with coke and ice placed with some fruits and other food stuff. The body copy of the ad written at the top left side of the image conveys the message that coke goes with everything that people eat because it is a real thing that gives them a real taste and real satisfaction. The same message is also written at the bottom of the image that Coke is the real thing. This advertisement has been created with attractive visuals and balanced combination of text and images. This print ad is based upon explicit claim because it directly makes the claim that coke is a real thing just like all the other things people use to have in their lives. The ad places coke with the natural things to make audience believe that coke is not an artificial thing and they could be sure about its real taste and satisfaction. The explicit claim made in the ad is an example of fallacy because it tries to position a carbonated drink like the natural things that is not true. Coke unlike the natural edibles has several health effects and could not be regarded as a real or natural thing like apples, grapes and oranges etc. The ad effectively communicates this idea by making claim about coke as a real thing. There is another print ad published in 2008 by McDonald that promotes McDonald’s Drive. ... The ad conveys implicit meanings because it gives the message indirectly that people can enjoy McDonald’s product alongside all their routine activities by visiting Drive-Thru. The ad claims that in the multitasking world McDonald does not interrupts the activities of the people but it gives people benefit that that they can continue with their activities and can still enjoy McDonalds. The ad makes the implicit claim by showing a real newspaper article coming out along with the fries. The claim could not be regarded as fallacy but it is an intelligently created ad that very well demonstrates the brand benefit and convince people come at McDonald’s drive through even if they have no time to sit and eat the meal at the restaurant. The ads informs about the option of eating out while the other tasks would also be carried out and so separate time would be required to go for meal. There is another very interesting print ad with funny appeal created for EPhone 900 that shows a snake ready to bike a person and the person is searching Google to know how to dodge a snake bite. The ad makes the explicit claim about the fast internet access at any place and time when the user need and for making this claim more interesting and real they have shown a real life problem that any person might face anytime. However, the ad has a fallacy because the tough situation shown in the ad could not really be handled in a way shown in the ad. The ad basically aims to make audience imagine that the EPhone 900 allows them such fast access to internet anywhere and anytime that they can reply upon the EPhone for the solution of their problems. The problem shown in the ad is very serious needs urgent solution. Likewise, the ad claims that the

Friday, August 23, 2019

The League of Nations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

The League of Nations - Essay Example War weariness is a common phenomenon, more so when the gains from such wars are intangible and far removed from domestic affairs. In the aftermath of prolonged periods of conflict, "war prevention assumes a high priority[and]the favoured technique is to institute measures of cooperation and consultationwith a view to preventing war"(Buzan 1983, 163). The League of Nations established in 1919 in the aftermath of World War I, was one such attempt to change the focus of war prevention from individual to collective security. For such an organization to be effective, it had perforce to have the backing of the major powers. Great Britain, France, Italy, Japan, and later Germany and Russia - all great powers in their own right - joined the League of Nations. The United Sates on the other hand, was the only major power not to join the League in spite of having been instrumental in creating it in the first place. According to Meg Harney, "While an excellent idea in theory, the League met with repeated problemssimply because nations had not adapted their foreign policy to change". The Senate Foreign Relations Committee was one such institution that could neither envision nor endorse this shift from a, 'balance of power' diplomacy to a new diplomacy giving greater weightage to collective security. This dichotomy i.e. ... onal requirements was highlighted by Robert Putnam in his 'two-level game' theory, and the failure of the United States to join the League of Nations could be analyzed in this context. To this end a brief overview of the theory would not be out of place to place in perspective the salient aspects of the theory, against the backdrop of the events leading to the formation of the League of Nations. The clash between President Wilson and the Senate over the formation of the League of Nations has been analyzed form many viewpoints. While some analysts see it as nothing more than the outcome of partisan politics, others view it as a clash of ideas between the 'internationalists' and the 'isolationists'. Though formally articulated only in 1988, the US failure to join the League of Nations can also be viewed through the lens of Putnam's 'two-level game' theory. It is a well-known fact that national leaders are simultaneously discharging their duties at two levels - the international level and the national level - with a dynamic interplay between the two. National leaders do not conceive of foreign policy in a domestic vacuum, nor domestic policies without considering the international ramifications. As far as foreign policy is concerned, they have to consider the interests of their domestic constituencies, balancing the 'costs' of implementing foreign policy initiatives against domestic imperatives such as national economy and social welfare. Thus, the right moves at one level (of the game) can affect the other level, ultimately impacting upon the deliberations at that level. An analogy could be that of a magnet held below a sheet of paper controlling the movement of a metallic token placed above the sheet. Keeping this in mind, Robert Putnam summarized the connections

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Williams Presents Essay Example for Free

Williams Presents Essay Eddie and Mickey were born from the same mother Mrs. Johnston, but they have extremely different lives. They were identical twins; they look exactly the same. But Mrs. Lyons separated them and made them have a different life. From then on, one of them, Mickey stayed with Mrs. Johnston lives in a big, poor family and the other one who was taken by Mrs. Lyons became very rich and got everything. They have been in a different world because of many factors surrounding them to rich or poor from the moment they have been born. I think the most influential factors are the family they have got and the family classes different. The different kind and level of education they have got did also influence them much. Also, the religion of the family is one of the factors that affect the life of the child as well. Different thing has different amount of influence to Mickey and Eddies life. I am going to discuss the factors one by one. The social context is messy at the time between late 70s and early 80s that the play was set. It is called recession. Margaret Thatcher is the Prime Minister; she encouraged people to make lots of money. As a result, the rich people in middle or upper class can earn much money but the poor people in working class lost their jobs. Life is very hard for working class, as they get poorer without a job. Mickeys family is suffered from this social climate. His family is poor. Unlike Eddie, his family is in middle class, he is rich. They have a great contrast in their life because the classes are different. Marilyn Monroe is the social icon of the day at that time. She is very glamorous, rich and she represents a life of fantasy. Everyone wants to be her. We know that from the book on p. 14, Act 1, Scene 1, it said He told me I was sexier than Marilyn Monroe, which is about Mr. Johnston said her wife was sexier, lovelier than Marilyn Monroe. It shows the value of that time. But that is what totally different from Mickey. Mickey is poor; he dressed scruffy. He lives in council house and his family is working class. He does not have money to buy everything he wanted. But Eddie, he is rich, he has got new clothes, and he looks smart. He lives in private house and his family is middle class. They are exactly the same, but the way of living is really different with one of them is living in a rich environment and another lives in a poor world. This is how the classes different influence their life. The size and people in their family have also influenced them. Mickey has a big family with 7 brothers and sisters. The speech of the mother in p. 14, Act 1, Scene 1, told us about that. She said: Seven hungry mouths to feed and one more nearly due. Mickey is the youngest in the family; he has to fight for food and everything with the elder brothers and sisters. Therefore, he needs to grow up fast and look tough to protect himself in case of beaten up by others. He also wants to his elder brother Sammy because he wants to get older so he can do everything he loves. We can see how much he wants to be Sammy in the book on p. 30, Act 2, Scene 1, he has repeated the sentences I wish I was our Sammy. - for five times. He does everything Sammy did; however, Sammy was not a good example for Mickey to learn. So Mickey becomes a joker and streetwise since he has got influenced by his brother Sammy. The family of Eddie, we know that he is the only child in his rich family and they are in middle class. He lives with his mum only most of his life. We dont know much about Eddies father because the book does not mention about him much. Mrs., Lyons, Eddies mother, loves her son very much. She gives him a good shelter, gives him everything he wanted. This makes very weak and soft and he will not know the hardship of the working class since life is easy for him. Time ran through quick by dramatic devices in the book. We can see how much difference between Mickey and Eddie over a long period. At first, when they are born, they are not much different from each other in either class or education. But when they are at the age of 17, Mickey is dropped out from school and on the other side Eddie was going to University. Then, when they both go to work, Mickey loses his job and Eddie is the boss of a factory. The education level made them have such a big difference. Mickey is poor educated as he left school when he was 17. He was study in government school. Normally, there is nothing bad to study in government school. But compare to Eddie, Eddie was study in private school, he was well educated. He could use a dictionary at the age of seven while Mickey do not even know what a dictionary is. We knew that from the conversation between Mickey and Eddie. Eddie said, I shall look it up in a dictionary. from p. 33, Act 2, Scene 2. From the speech of the narrator at p. 56, Act 4, Scene 1, we know Mickey and Eddie are getting older as they are 18. This is the job of narrator to take us through time and speed things up. Eddies goes into a University straight after he left his college but at that time Mickey was already dropped out from the school and working in a factory. Then, Eddie got a job, which is the boss of the factory, straight after he finished his studying. By that time Eddie becomes really powerful and rich but the other one, Mickey, is just a worker in a factory! They are identical twins but we can see how education makes them go into a different life. Superstition is one of the influences. Mrs. Johnston is very superstitious as we can see from the several events from the book. On p. 18, Act 1, Scene 3, Mrs. Lyons put a pair of new shoes on the table then Mrs. Johnston saw it and tell her never do this. This is a superstition thinking that something had will happen to you, which you will never notice. This shows that Mrs. Johnston is superstitious. I believe that she believes in religion. And this makes Mickey kind of superstitious as well. He believes what blood brother is. On the other side, I dont think Mrs. Lyons has any religion at all. She does not respect Mrs. Johnston and always use the weakness of Mrs. Johnston, that she is superstitious, to coerce her into doing something. At first Eddie does not believe any superstition things but Mickey influences him. He admires Mickey and everything Mickey does. He likes Mickey and wants Mickey likes him as well. On p. 32, Act2 2, Scene 2, we know Eddie gives sweets to Mickey. This reflected he is eager to please. Eddie used to dont know much about colloquial until Mickey told him. He thought everything Mickey said was smashing. And he believes that what Mrs. Johnston told her on p. 35, Act 2, Scene 2, about bogeyman. This shows that he is nai ve and innocent. In conclusion, I can divide the influences on the lives of Mickey and Eddie in four main sections. The differences between Mickey and Eddie in the family, the social class they are, the education they have and the religion of the family. They are identical twins but they have got a very different life, I think it is because these things that I have mentioned before influenced them.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Sentence Structure Essay Example for Free

Sentence Structure Essay In constructing a sentence, the writer brings about what he has in mind. However, it is not pleasant for the part of the reader to read a sentence where the words contained don’t relate with each other. Construction involves right sentence order, right structure and clarity. Verb tenses determine if an action was taken at the past, is being taken at the present, and will be taken in the future. â€Å"At the time the celebrity went up the stage, the crowd cheers with such joy† has an inconsistent tense since the first phrase indicated a past tense. At the time the celebrity went up the stage, the crowd cheered with such joy† has a correct construction. â€Å"They must reflect actual changes in time. † (Aaron, 2007, p. 209) A mood is a form of verb that tells whether the speaker is stating a fact or asking a question (indicative), making a request/command (imperative), or expressing a supposition/suggestion or condition that is contrary to a fact (subjunctive). Shifts in mood, usually in imperative form, don’t make any consistency. â€Å"Open the seal completely, and shake it well before using† gives a complete instruction to be done. The voice of the verb determines the activity of the subject. In the active voice, the subject is the doer; while in passive voice, it receives the action done by another object. â€Å"Water gives food for the plants; refreshment for people is given by water† is inconsistent. â€Å"Water gives food for the plants and refreshment for people† is correct since they are both in active voice. Verb tenses, mood and voice must be consistent in their form throughout the whole sentence to avoid confusion and provide clarity.

Qantas worlds leading long distance airways

Qantas worlds leading long distance airways The Business Case Analysis: Qantas Airways Qantas is recognized as the worlds leading long distance airways which was established in Queensland in 1920, being the second oldest airlines of the world. Today, the airways provide flight services across a network of 173 destinations in 42 countries covering all over the world with approximately 35,000 employees. The Qantas group also offers subsidiary businesses such as budget airlines, Jetstar, and other businesses in specialist services: Qantas Catering and Qantas Holidays (Qantas, 2010). To analyze the changes and challenges that Qantas confronts in the marketing today, we should identify the range of products and services available by using Marketing Mix concept. Then, we will analyze the opportunities that may be available over the next 5 to 10 year by using SWOT Analysis. Lake (n.d) indicated that the marketing mix, or called as 4 Ps, is the combination of marketing elements that are used to serve customers and company goal. The company offers are controlled by the following variables in marketing: Product, Price, Place (Distribution) and Promotion. For Qantas Airways case, their marketing mix can conclude as follow: Product Qantas offers a wide range of products and services including premium brand, Qantas, and low cost brand, Jetstar. Qantas has divided in to international and domestic flight. In term of international flights, Qantas offers first, business, premium economy and economic class, which passengers receive different services of seat, dining, and amenity collections as they paid. In case of Domestic flight, Qantas offers two travel classes: Business and Economy. Domestic inflight services include meals, snacks and audio-visual entertainment. Qantas Cityflyer provides passengers travelling between Brisbane, Adelaide, Canberra, Perth, Melbourne and Sydney added more flights and seats than other airways with extra services such as complimentary newspapers on morning and complimentary wine and beer after 4pm weekdays. Jetstar is a low cost airline in Asia-Pacific and Australia. In Australia, its operation is entirely owned by Qantas Group. In Asia, the Qantas Group has extended the brand with their investments in Jetstar Asia (based in Singapore) and Jetstar Pacific (Vietnam). As a result, Jetstars operations have covered 50 destinations across South East Asia and Asia Pacific. Moreover, Qantas also offer non-flying businesses, which are and Qantas holiday and Qantas catering, making perfect products and services for traveling customers and other airlines businesses. Price The prices of flights are different according to the distance of destinations and the class of seat customers selected. Especially, for Jetstar, its prices are competitive with other low-cost airlines that make enormous profits to the company. As its prices are versatile, customers can make a decision based on the services Airlines offered. In addition, for Qantas holiday, it also offers ‘Price Promise program that customers can get guaranteed low prices on transfers, car hire, hotel or activities when they book on Qantas will match price rate and give 1000 extra points to customers who find another website which provide better rate than Qantas. Place or Distribution channel Customers can book their flights via various different channels which are, Telephone sales, Qantas travel Centers, Qantas airport locations and other travel agencies. Customers also can manage their flight via the website and their mobile phone. Promotion There are many kinds of promotions to encourage sales such as discount air fare, buy one ticket get one free tickets, upgrading seat and loyalty program: Frequent Flyer member. Frequent Flyer program is very popular in airlines industry. Qantas offers three levels of memberships which are Silver, Gold and platinum, excluding Bronze entry level. Each membership has different privileges: Qantas Club and business/First counters, additional kilograms for baggage allowance, point bonus, priority check in and so on. The higher membership level the better privileges members can receive and earn awards. After we identified 4 Ps for Qantas, we will analyze the SWOT analysis to better understanding the organization. SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Strengths and Weaknesses are internal factors that the company can control, while Opportunities and Threats are external possibilities which need more company efforts: support opportunities, or prevent and reduce threats. Strengths Strong corporate image Qantas is the leader airways in Australia domestic and international and renowned as the second oldest airways. Moreover, the company is outstanding in strategic markets which are Asia-pacific and Western Europe. Frequent Flyer Program Qantas Frequent Flyer program, the most popular and largest airways loyalty program in Southern part of the world, possess approximately 6.8 million customers with more than 400 partners. This is an important marketing strategy to retain customers and crate brand loyalty to new passengers. Excellent customer service Qantas is devoted to offer passenger with a wide-range of outstanding services. It employs more than 700 international customer service managers and supervisors. Over 1,600 First and Business flight attendants were selected by their product knowledge and extensive service experience and trained to offer a premium service to passengers. Also, many flight attendants are multi-lingual. They can speak a number of languages such as French, Italian, German, Korean, Japanese, Spanish, Mandarin, Cantonese, and so on. Furthermore, Qantas also has recognition for using inflight defibrillators and also on-board airplanes provide physician kits which include medication and medication. Corporate social responsibility Qantas are worried about the concern of environment changing and are dedicated to manage its operations and development in an environmentally sustainable approach. They have launched the program ‘Fly Carbon Neutral program to evoke people concerning on reducing carbon emissions that passengers can contribute small amount of money to offset their flight emissions. The Qantas group established the Qantas Environment and Fuel Conservation group to responsible for environment issues. They have decreased aircraft noise around airports, provided suggestion on acquisition assessment of new aircraft and new businesses, applied environmentally practices and performance, and to name but few. In addition, the company also donated to support various ‘not-for-profit programs or organizations such as Great Barrier Reef Foundation, Flora and Fauna International, Clean up Australia Day, and so on. Versatile businesses Apart from its main business, Flying Activity, Qantas also has invested in non-flying activities which are food catering, travel agency, airport and aircraft engineering that enable them to increase the companys profits and represent new opportunities to its present business. A lot of flight and routes There are many routes covering worldwide provided by Qantas. Qantas group operate approximately 5300 flight a week including nearly 60 cities domestically and over 900 fights per week in 173 destinations in 42 countries. This help the Airways is recognized in many countries and expand its market share. Dual brand strategy Qantas Group can cover a wide group of customers because it offers premium brand, Qantas, and low-cost brand, Jetstar. This creativity allowed Qantas to take advantage of target budget passenger and premium travelers to boost its profits and fulfill level of operation. Weaknesses Employees relationship Qantas had conflicts with its engineers in reaching an agreement on a wage dispute earlier in 2008. However, compromise was finally completed with a predictable annual wage raised between4 to 5.8 %(Brigden, 2009). This is an important issue if it occurs again; employees will have negative trust to the company that brings negative effects to overall operations. Dependence on single market In spite of expanding to international region, Qantas still depends on the domestic market for its main revenues. This over-dependence on single market leaves the Airways vulnerable to any politics situation or economic depression and in Australia. Spiraling costs Although in 2008 Qantas group has provided strategies to reduce the impact of increasing fuel costs, it was forced to cut down other operations cost such as jobs and flight capacity to continue competitive position in the market. Opportunities Open Skies Agreement There were many efforts between Australia and other nations such as the US, New Zealand, and so on to approve an open skies agreement. As a result, it has created new opportunities to operate unrestricted capacity over any routing they choose and with as many flights as they desire in beyond markets. Asia-Pacific potential market According to Datamonitor (2009), The Asia-pacific airlines industry had been growing at a healthy rate over 2005-2008, but showed a decline in 2009. This will increase once again in 2010Experts also predicted that the industrys volume is likely to increase to 794.3 million passengers by the end of 2013, showing a compound annual growth rate of8.6% for 2008-2013 period. Therefore, there will be enormous opportunities to increase company revenues and profits. Utilization new technology Technology is improving nowadays. The Airways can utilize it in many ways including increasing the service to customers and improving aircrafts design. In November 2009, Qantas reveal the project, which will begin in the mid-2010, to renovate domestic airport check-in times for passengers at Cityflyer ports across Australia. The membership cards including intelligent chip that can transform the data inside into personal boarding passes linked to the bag tags, and allow passengers to swipe their card on a reader and pass to an easy baggage drop. Non-frequent flyers will also satisfy with major upgrades to their check-in by using hosted kiosks and rapid bag drop. Strategic Alliance The growth of strategic alliances is expected to bring about several returns including an extended route network, more frequent flights and Frequent Flyer passengers and cost and efficiency benefits. Threats Excessive competition Low-cost airlines have become the main competitor of Qantas. Craigie and Bekiaris (2010) stated that Air Asia commenced flight between the Gold Coast, Perth, Melbourne, and Kuala Lumpur. In addition, Tony Fernandes, Air Asia CEO, said that Air Asia is going to start flying into Sydney by midyear of 2010. Besides, Air Asia X also provides cheap flight to London from Kuala Lumpur. This enhanced on the whole competition in Asia-pacific and Europe region. The competitors of Qantas are not limited only Air Asia, the other low-cost airlines such as Tiger Airlines and Virgin Blue also have offered the same routes as Qantas or Jetstar. Aviation Security issue According to the event of 11 September 2001, it decreased the demand for air travel because of the raised concerns about safety issue. Then, the cost of travel was raised as a result of the requirement of arriving earlier for departure, the increased rate of delays follow-on security breaches, and new protection surcharge (Coughlin, C.C. et al, 2002). Qantas also has flights service between Australia and the US, so the airways have been affected directly by the increasing in security cost. Shortage of pilots and staff Pearson (2008) indicated that approximately 19,000 pilots will need to be trained yearly until 2026 to meet estimated demand as airways grow agreeing to International Air Transport Association (IATA). As a result, it is important to note airways regulators will confront the challenge of training pilots better and faster which need more cost to absorb. Congestion and Airport capacity issue Because the industry developed rapidly, a problem of airport capacity is possible, limiting the total number of airplanes flying to Australia as occurred in other parts of the world. All things considered, after studied both marketing mix and SWOT analysis, I would like to recommend the company to improve its operations as follows: Focus on both domestic and international markets to diversify the risk of domestic economic, politics, social situations. Offer new promotions to passengers. For example, when it nearly reaches the date the flight taken place, company should discount air fare if those flights have remained too many seats to offset the cost of operations per flights. Consider about employees relationship, providing proper training, wages or benefits and number of working hours. Use new technology and well-trained employees for improving airlines services. Find new alliances and retain the relationship of current alliances that can share benefits to the airlines. Continue ‘company social responsibility and ‘Saving Environments projects to maintain good company image. Reference List Brigden, Cathy. (2009). Journal of Industrial Relations. Unions and collective bargaining in 2008, 51(3), 365-378. Coughlin, Cletus C. et. Al. (2002). Review. Aviation Security and Terrorism: A Review of the Economic Issues, 84(5), 9-16. Craigie, J. Bekiaris, M. (2010). Money. Qantas gets cosy with AirAsia, 2(120), 16-16. Datamonitor. (2009). Airline Industry Profile: Asia-Pacific. Airline Industry Profile: Asia-Pacific, 1-32. Lake, Laura. (n.d). Developing Your Marketing-4Ps of Marketing. [Online] Available from: [Accessed 5 May 2010]. Pearson, David. (2008). Wall Street Journal-Eastern Edition. Airlines Face Shortage of Pilots, 251(95), p. B11A. Qantas. (2010). Qantas Fact file. [Online] Available from: [Accessed 5 May 2010].

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Americans without Health Insurance Essay -- Medical Insuance Health

The Uninsured States of America Nearly 48 million Americans had no health care coverage in 2005, and the number will continue to grow if this country does not enact new policies to defuse this crisis (Families USA 2). Families USA, a nonprofit and nonpartisan organization that advocates for public health contracted with Dr. Kenneth Thorpe, Professor and Chair of the Department of Health Policy and Management at Emory University, to analyze data from the U.S. Census Bureau and other national databases to study the fiscal impact on this country of so many uninsured people. This study, released in June 2005, found that the overwhelming majority of uninsured people are workers in low-wage jobs (Families 10). With the advent of national welfare reform in 1996, millions of people entered the low-wage workforce and lost their Medicaid eligibility. According to Judith Feder, Dean of Policy Studies at Georgetown University, â€Å"Since most people leaving welfare find themselves in low-paying jobs without coverage, loss of public coverage leaves them without health coverage altogether† (Feder 29). Moreover, many corporations, pressured by global competition to hold down labor costs, are increasingly asking their employees to share a greater portion of the escalating cost of health insurance premiums, if employers offer benefits at all. In fact, a study by the Commonwealth Fund reports that more than one-quarter of workers in companies with over 500 employees do not receive employer-based coverage, and that one in every three full-time workers with incomes below $35,000 is uninsured (Commonwealth 1). Low-wage workers are therefore caught in an untenable situation. They do not qualify for Medicaid and cannot afford to buy hea... ..."The State of Health Care." The Heritage Foundation. 21 January 2004. The Heritage Foundation. 13 Mar. 2006 . "Paying a Premium." Families USA. 1 June 2005. Families USA. 20 Mar. 2006 Rowland, Diane. Committe on Ways and Means. 9 March 2004. House Committee on Ways and Means. 13 Mar. 2006 . "The Uninsured: A Primer." Kaiser Family Foundation. 1 January 2006. Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured. 20 Mar. 2006 . Wilson, Katherine. "Snapshot: Health Care Costs 101, 2005 Edition." CHCF. June 2005. California Health Care Foundation. 13 Mar. 2006 .

Monday, August 19, 2019

Audrey Hepbrun: A Hollywood Fairytale Essay example -- essays researc

Outline I. Intro: Thesis- Audrey Hepburn took a difficult childhood and turned it into a gilded fairytale effortlessly. II. Family Life/Growing up: A-Shyness B-Turbulent family III. Suffering in Holland: A-Reasoning to return 1. Childhood in Holland B-"Aware of suffering and fear" IV. Dancing: A-Love of Dancing B-Chorus girl V. Getting into acting: A-Getting started 1. Acting surprise B-First movie role VI. Going to America: A-Can't act 1.Gigi rehearsals B-Audrey makes Hollywood VII. Miscarriage: A- 1st miscarriage 1. Another miscarriage 2. Miscarriage 1966 B-"Gift of God" VIII. Conclusion Audrey Hepburn: A Hollywood Fairytale. Christina Bremmerman Ms. Karyn B. Lentz Honors English 11 May 7, 2002 Bremmerman 1 Christina Bremmerman Ms. Karyn B. Lentz Honors English 11 May 7, 2002 Audrey Hepburn... ...out.("Audrey Hepburn Biography" 3). Even after miscarriages Audrey was still Bremmerman 6 the actress with a perfect life that everyone saw. Giving birth was her greatest feat, even greater than becoming a great actress. She achieved the one thing in life she had always wanted. After many hardships Audrey Hepburn's life changed to the better on the outside, she led the life everyone thought they wanted, but being the scenes she was still being faced with emotional misfortunes. She was a remarkable actress and she becomes even more remarkable as the conflicts of her life are revealed. Bremmerman 7 Works Cited "Audrey Hepburn Biography" []. May 8, 2002 "Hepburn, Audrey" Americana. 1987 Lavin, Cheryl. "Vital Statistics--Audrey Hepburn" St. Louis Post- Dispatch November 8, 1989 Warren, Jane. The Daily News Woodward, Ian. Audrey Hepburn. New York, St. Martin's press, 1984.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Native Peoples in Canada Today -- Cultural Expression :: Essays Papers

Native Peoples in Canada Today -- Cultural Expression Greater political influence and Canada's official policy of multiculturalism have both contributed to a dramatic increase in the cultural activity of Native Canadians in the latter part of the twentieth century. Government sponsorship of the arts, with, in particular, its tendency to support the work of those from "ethnic minorities", has granted a degree of public exposure to artists who would otherwise have had great difficulty in getting it. This page only discusses First Nations literature written in English, although there is plenty going on in the other arts, and in Native languages. Natives who write in English and who are published by a mainstream publisher are inevitably participating in the public sphere of the settler culture, and this fact produces all kinds of interesting tensions in their work, because they are very often trying to recover some sort of sense of indigineity, trying to re-establish connections with traditional cultures whose remoteness or tenuousness is a function of the dominant culture with which they are engaging. The best of the writers recognise this as an inescapably problematic situation, and seek to use the contradiction as a source of creative energy. One of the commonest ways of exploring this is the attempt to bring traditional oral story telling features into the written literary format. This can be done through the inclusion of aural effects such as repetition, or through the inclus ion of traditional characters. One of the problems which Western critics and readers face when confronted by Native literature is that there is a danger when it comes to the application of Western norms of interpretation and evaluation. Native texts can often work in unfamiliar ways and serve unfamiliar purposes. Thus, a reader who is expecting a narrative progression and climax from a piece of prose may well be disappointed. What Native writers are very often trying to achieve with their writing is a kind of pictorial representation of a community, without the privileging of particular characters or events. These stories can often be interpreted more readily as an embodiment of Native values and cultural codes.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Child Poverty Essay

Child poverty is one of the major problems today. Poverty can affect anyone but children are most affected. Poverty in children has become big social problem. Poverty is not having enough for needs. Not having enough can bring many concerns. Poverty is long lasting effect and can leave permanent mark on Childs behavior. Poverty can impact children’s performance in school and poverty can bring many health issues. Many children are born in poor family where their family members lack at providing enough for their children. Many children in poor family suffer from hunger and not having enough nutrition. As mansion in Gregory’s essay â€Å"shame† Richard was not able to focus in school because he was suffering from hunger, and teacher thought he was not smart and they never bother to find out, but the truth was he was just hungry because he was poor and wasent able to provide enough food. Poverty can also cause huge impact on Childs performance. While parents are busy trying to make living they cannot provide enough motivational help to their children while some children have to go to work instead of study because lack of money in family. In the essay â€Å"shame† Gregory describes how Richard had to work hard and polish shoes to make little amount of money. Early labor and not having enough help in their academic progress impact on children’s growth and development of child. Withought proper education child lacks at proper understanding of our society. Poverty also brings many health concerns in children. Because of parents cannot provide enough material. Many children born in poor family are often exposed to miner diseases that may prove fatal. In some poor family where parents always drinking problem, children always learn from their parents and adopt their aggressive behavior, drinking problem or drug abuse. These can also lead in fatal health issue in children. Parents always seem to forget â€Å"what we do. They do. † In the essay â€Å"shame† Gregory talks about how Richard did not learn about hate and shame until he went to school. Poverty is one of the most evil situations we have in our society. And it can transform our children’s entire personality and affect our neighborhood and future. we have to work together to ensure bright and healthy future.

Friday, August 16, 2019

How Literacy Skills Can Help You Achieve a Personal Goal or Accomplishment

My literacy skills helped me achieve a personal goal which is to work as a computer engineer for a multinational information technology organization like Hewlett Packard, Dell, Microsoft etc., One has to be fluent in English and technically competent in order to get through the interview and also to succeed at work. English is needed in every aspect of today’s modern world to communicate with people at work irrespective of their origin. Since my teenage I wanted to become a computer engineer and work for multinational organization which not only pays well but also will have the opportunity to travel abroad. I am from a middle class Indian family where bearing the costs of studying from an English medium school is hard and yet my parents helped me study in English medium school.I studied English medium during all my schooling which helped me develop my literacy skills. I started learning computers since my 10th grade. . This was the time of mid 1995 when the computer classes we re first introduced in my school in India and I was one of the member of the first batches that was offered the basics of computer and little bit of programming. This was the beginning and I was getting interested to learn more about computers. We also had to take up a exam at the end of the course to prove our competency in the subject though it was not part of the 10th grade board exam.I scored 83 out of 100 which gave me confidence that I can succeed in this field of study. From there on during my 11th and 12th grade I took computer science as my specialization and also completed Bachelor’s Degree in computer science. After my graduation it was time to look for my dream job but consulting with friends, family and seniors in college I realized that the degree that I earned is not just enough to get my dream job and due to my interest in Hardware and Networking I immediately joined specialization course in computer hardware and networking which is a rigorous training for one year in a private institute to equip myself with the right skills and be competent to face the job interviews.While pursuing the course, I got a job from a small local computer hardware firm which I only worked for couple of days and quit as I was not able to continue the course. Immediately after completing specialization in computer hardware and networking I started looking for my dream job. I initially started attending  job interviews of non multinational organizations to understand the interview process and also to know my weaknesses so that I could improve myself.The interview process usually includes four rounds, first round is the written test which comprises of aptitude test, English grammar, computer hardware and computer networking, second round is a group discussion or communication round where a topic will be given and we will need to effectively discuss about the topic with proper tone and confidence, third round is a technical round where I will have to face an int erview with computer hardware expert and final round will be with human resources personnel who will talk about the joining process and company policies and procedures if selected for the job.After attending a few interviews for different organizations and not able to succeed through the interviews, I worked on my weakness and was able to finally obtain a job in a multinational information technology organization Hewlett Packard in India as a Technical Support Engineer with the help of my literacy skills and technical competency. It was August 11 2003, 9 pm when all the interview process was completed and confirmed that I got through the interview and secured a job. That was the proudest and happiest moment in my life which was so sweet. My family also was so proud of me about my achievement.As I started working for Hewlett Packard I never looked back. I had to go through training process for another couple of months on Hewlett Packard products and also soft skills on how to talk to customers on phone. My job included communicating with the United States customers of Hewlett Packard and help them fix any issues with the Hewlett Packard products. With the skills I obtained academically and professionally I was able to succeed in the job which helped not only me to grow but also my family. After 2 years to further improve my literacy skills I pursued Master’s Degree in computer applications from a distance education university in India while I was working. This further enhanced my competency and helped me secure a much better position at work.Thus my literacy skills helped me get my dream job in a multinational organization which not only helped me grow personally and professionally but also my family grow economically. This is a dream come true.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Book Analysis on “New York Burning” Essay

New York Burning is a book written by Jill Lepore narrating a story about parts of history in New York City. The book implies as to how single sort of slavery made such type of liberty in New York during 18th century, as NY was considered a dazzling city as the people will see such paved streets with parks and beech trees shading like of parasol with good oysters as there can be miserable truth of having no freedom. As the author of the book mentions that the city of New York has become city of slavery as it happened and having two hundred slaves being alleged of conspiring to blaze each structure and assassination of the whites as the book mentions that there were men and women being sold into slavery in the Caribbean and the alleged ringleaders were hanged and pardoned. Thus, there were enslaved men and women being conspired that involved deep indication of evidence as there is worth of survival and excavation as the conspiracy of the slaves will imply the casting of violent shadow as it parallels to the political scene. Slavery was then a political issue but, what occurred in New York suggests that there was exertion of authoritative influence dealing to the political existence as the slaves were being suspected of conspiracy as the book describes in the first two chapters. There was emergence of political parties but there are also those critical months of having political antagonism by means of burning black men in a sudden motion. The readers of New York Burning will be able to learn such immense situations concerning the politically-inclined ruthless English immigrant, by the name of Daniel Horsmanden as the court justice at the New York Supreme Court as Daniel played a crucial role for the transmutation of sequences relating to robberies as well as disbelieving fires and Horsmanden has shaped the past memory of terrible and not known incidence. EVALUATION The author of the book, Jill Lepore then rescue Horsmanden from darkness and places him on trial in the horrible burnings as well as hangings carried out through justice in Lepore’s creative retelling of catastrophic events as Lepore saw New York’s unstable political days and certain ideas informed as it is crucial for the understanding of the plot jolt as Lepore believes that what transpired during the year 1741 was clear in light of continuing the discussion regarding freedom and slavery that originated in 18th-century English political civilization in New York City. The parallelism amid the challenge over the accurate to utter opinion in publishes and desire of slaves to expand personal liberty that was outstanding to the people. Amicably, Lepore succeeded in persuading her readers about the flow of logical sanctions in looking at the city of New York as there was the presence of the enslaved blacks determined to be heard as there supposition of political adversary as frightening as it was. There was Lepore’s expedition into the characteristics of New York City that includes such wellbeing and hygiene issues as well as the job routine of imprisoned men. The author of New York Burning demonstrated a well-developed communications system having the major node at Comfort’s glowing joined by discrete slaves mutually. Whether the country’s blacks were being far connected than the whites had think of as there ever conspired in committing the actions as emotional that remain unlock question. In the book, Horsmanden was being keen to provide credibility to assumption that mayhem was intended and subtly unlikely acknowledgment of the African Americans who were frantic to set aside the value of life but, such possible criminals in view as to whom Horsmanden had documented as the well-known individual Catholics have twisted in obliterating as there was the alleged evidence of Catholic scheme as personified in person of John Ury, another arbitrator that allocated responsibility for disaster in New York into overarching Catholic scheme. Moreover, Jill Lepore discerns diverse plots of unlike degree of likelihood as Lepore train her interests on plots that encouraged the New Yorkers to agree in placing of bereavement of many slaves and deport of others and there downplays the position of non-Catholic emotion within catastrophe that occurred. Thus, Lepore’s New York Burning has done a marvelous post of demystifying Horsmanden’s powerful manuscript and changes how the people believe about years in the history of New York as one important theme that Lepore pursues, is the unsafe lawful events that positioned stern limitations on civil liberties of the black defendants as they had nix right to have guidance and if Horsmanden is envoy, there can be ridiculed evidence as disliked. Moreover, in the book, Lepore had discovered certain religious timbre as the author noted that few slaves like for instance, the Portuguese-influenced Angola and Kongo had come across the presence of Christianity in African region. Henceforth, Jill Lepore explained and discussed the labor of Anglican catechist and has portrayed how several Protestants opposed the initiation of slaves because of fear that it can impudent the belief for freedom. Furthermore, Lepore seems to float along with unreeling story of scheme as can be partially true and adding up the drama as Lepore merge her voice with the witnesses. Aside, Lepore reported on rules and made criminals of priests ingoing the settlement of terror in New York of a lurking offshore. Amazingly, Lepore offers no clear conclusion about whether there was really a plot of Horsmanden’s diary having approval but still there is less doubt that the action case was bogus as the author of the book has also shed grave hesitation on veracity among confessions in viewing that prosecutors have urge admission as best way for accused in run off for his finish. CONCLUSION In conclusion, the book was well-written and thoroughly researched that has a gripping account of proceedings that led to the bonfires of the Negroes as the author’s description is vibrant and challenging and has evoke New York in its ethical and corporeal scruffiness within vision of freedom. Upon its ending, there were thirteen slaves being burned and seventeen being dangled and hundreds were locked up as Lepore writes the prison is like the hull slave craft and argued that some slaves were plotting alongside masters of Masonic ceremonies and masquerade priests. In New York Burning, Jill Lepore describe theatrical events with better breaking study as there explores the social climate of epoch but, Lepore noticeably show how danger of black revolt had united the white pluralities of cultural panic and aggression. Thus, Lepore’s meticulous research confronted the reader with dreadful ending as the respected citizens will permit to death of humans as the author, Lepore provide the reader with better milieu on approaches of New York whites headed for slaves and Lepore has done magnificent job of past investigation and understanding and straddling better column amid accepted work and works of educational account. Therefore, Jill Lepore’s use of the position and instance is motivating and Lepore’s account of New York Burning has brought useful awareness behind the beautiful story it has given to the readers of history. New York Burning by Jill Lepore was really an eye-catching book endowed by masterpiece encircles with lush mind’s eye in exceptional blend that is phenomenal learning and terrific writing as Lepore implies that the. New York Burning informs a matter of terrible story in city which was bloody than Salem along the pursuits of slavery with development of actions that surrounds the American Revolution denoting a serious instances from within the book content. I agree that New York Burning was an exceptional book by Jill Lepore that has exposed the dismay of slavery as the book describes in immense facet of independence in lieu to slavery realities in New York. Then, Lepore pointed out the fear of slave rebellion as a reliable theme all throughout the days within colonies. Reference: Lepore, J. (2005). New York Burning: Liberty, Slavery and Conspiracy in Eighteenth-Century Manhattan About the Author Jill Lepore is a Professor of History at Harvard University and also the author of The Name of War: King Philip’s War and the Origins of American Identity both won the Bancroft Prize and Phi Beta Kappa’s Ralph Waldo Emerson Award. Jill Lepore is contributor to The New Yorker and resides in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Women Empowerment

Empowerment has multiple, interrelated and interdependent dimensions- economic, social, cultural and political. It can be understood in relation to resources, perceptions, Relationship and power. But what does women empowerment mean? Women empowerment generally has five components : firstly, women's sense of self worth; secondly, their right to have the power of control their own lives, both within and outside home; and lastly, their ability to influence the direction of social change to create a just social and economic order nationally, internationally and universally. Educational attainment and economic participation are the key constituents in ensuring the empowerment of women. Other than educational and economic empowerment, changes in women's mobility and social interaction and changes in intra-household decision-making are necessary. We should not forget that history in a witness to the women who have in the past demonstrated unique leadership capabilities. Razia Sultana, Rani of Jhansi, Sarojini Naidu and Indira Gandhi are motivation examples of women empowerment. I would like to peep into the past when the stature of women as destroyed. They were in this way; they deprived women of their due place. Most men view themselves as being the superior life-form in society. They justify this belief by saying that they are stronger and more capable; thus, making those more qualified for the more important roles in society. Treated as chattel in the early Roman society. In France, they were termed as half-soul creatures responsible for the destruction of society. The Chinese considered them as devil's soul. Japanese men preferred to live unmarried lives But the truth is that women have advanced in all the areas. In India, the empowerment process has already begun. We are now witnessing a steady improvement in the enrollment of women in schools, colleges and even in profession institutes. Their health is better as compared to earlier decades. In this decade, women are entering into the job market in increasing numbers. They are showing their skills even in non-traditional sectors like police, defense, administration, media and research fields. But a lot of work has to be done as there is a category of women (who consider themselves highly educated) that proudly accepts that they don't have digital literacy even though they own a computer, they cannot even operate bank accounts or make travel arrangements for family or handle hospital admissions even during emergencies. Even for a simple task like social visits or shopping generally they need the company of their husbands. Dependent women are not empowered women. If modern women think that they are empowered, it's a myth for them . If women choose to be ignorant then all the efforts taken by the Government and women activists will go in vain. Even in twenty-fifth century, they will remain backward and will be paying a heavy price for their dependence, so, it is a wake-up call for women to awake from their deep slumber and understand the true meaning of their empowerment. In the end I would like to conclude with the following words, â€Å"Women as the motherhood of the nation should be strong, aware and alert†. Thank you The end Women empowerment Blob Writing Firstly, women can start a personal blob. It should cover a topic which Is directly related to their skills set. Once they acquire a decent number of readers and followers, they could begin to offer them their services related to their skills and charge a fee for It. Another option In blobbing as one of the top 10 home based businesses involves writing for another individual or company and earning a service fee in return. 2. Providing Professional Advice Women can offer paid advice related to their profession.This is one of the top 10 home based businesses because they do not need to worry about setting up their own online platform for this service. There are many websites which offer professional advice to Its customers by appointing a team of experts from various lines of work. They often have predetermined rates and commissions for their registered experts while others also keep them negotiable. 3. Book Publishing Publishing may sound Like the most Investment-demandin g option out of the other top 10 home based businesses.This does not hold true for online book publishing or content marketing. Some websites offer free registration to use their online publishing services while others charge a nominal amount. In the end, women can enjoy writing books on their favorite topics and set the prices themselves. Online book publishing is part of the top 10 home based businesses because it enables women to publish books only in the demanded quantity. 4. Designing Shoes Many fashion-savvy females have a creative sense which is often specific to items like hoes.The Ideas may come to them naturally but they may be unable to take up shoe-designing as a full-fledged career option. However, women should utilize different software to develop unique designs and sell them to small-sized shoe businesses along with the ownership right to the designs. It would be a mutually beneficial relationship. 5. Conducting Online Research More and more companies are relying on t he internet as an effective tool for conducting marketing research. Some of the benefits they find in this option Include access to geographically dispersed respondents, less time required, etc.This has given birth to the need for employing individuals to conduct the research. Women with an inquisitive nature often prefer this choice out of the different top 10 home based businesses. 6. Image Consultancy This line of work Involves assisting people who wish to achieve their goal of Improving their overall Image. This Is known to be a women-centric choice among the top 10 home based businesses. This field pertains to providing consultancy In different areas, such as grooming, styling, dressing, etc. Audio Typing investment of a computer and internet connection. In most cases, these facilities are already present which makes it a zero-investment alternative. Women can offer the services as a typist to reproduce provided audio files into a written format. Although typing speed would be a helpful skill, beginners could always commit to a deadline according to their skills and improve with time. 8. Affiliate Marketing For Affiliate Marketing as one of the top 10 home based businesses, women need to have their own website.It would allow them to associate with other businesses to pay them a commission when visitors to their websites are linked to purchase the company's products. 9. Online Teaching Teaching makes it to the list of top 10 home based businesses because the internet has made it possible to use it as a way to make money online at home. Women can provide interactive sessions to students for their daily homework while offer topic- wise teaching through video tutorials. 10. Writing Guides Writing guides are one of the top 10 home based businesses suitable for women cause they often have a wide knowledge base on different topics. Women empowerment â€Å"Why I Believe in Women Empowerment† Ages ago, women only had limited opportunities in life. Usual connotation of a woman is the one who does household chores. But nowadays, it may mean offensive to women because their abilities and capabilities to do other things are under estimated. The current generation of women is considered empowered. When we say empower, this means that there is an authority given to somebody, thus, that authority will make the person more confident and assertive. I believe in women empowerment because I think as a woman, I should be treated equally with man.Also, being a scholar with wisdom, I speak the truth without doubt or hesitation giving me a sense of empowerment. Because of this, I have greater choices and chances to explore, learn and expose myself in all walks of life which will be beneficial not only to me but also to others. I want to portray an ideal member of the society. Because of having respect and self confidence, I can do things possible and excel with my outmost dedication to work. Women can perform task that a man can do but outshining them is not our goal instead, living harmoniously with them is our desire.Also, women empowerment is not destruction to man's self-esteem and ego. We work not to prove that we can do better than a man but to complement what a man can do. Being one of the empowered women, I clearly understood my worth. That's why I was able to look at the world as a place where I can freely express who I am and what I believe, making me surrounded with people who honor, love, and respect me as I honor, love, and respect myself. Therefore, women empowerment should be realized by every girl to achieve a successful and fulfilled life. Women empowerment Blob Writing Firstly, women can start a personal blob. It should cover a topic which Is directly related to their skills set. Once they acquire a decent number of readers and followers, they could begin to offer them their services related to their skills and charge a fee for It. Another option In blobbing as one of the top 10 home based businesses involves writing for another individual or company and earning a service fee in return. 2. Providing Professional Advice Women can offer paid advice related to their profession.This is one of the top 10 home based businesses because they do not need to worry about setting up their own online platform for this service. There are many websites which offer professional advice to Its customers by appointing a team of experts from various lines of work. They often have predetermined rates and commissions for their registered experts while others also keep them negotiable. 3. Book Publishing Publishing may sound Like the most Investment-demandin g option out of the other top 10 home based businesses.This does not hold true for online book publishing or content marketing. Some websites offer free registration to use their online publishing services while others charge a nominal amount. In the end, women can enjoy writing books on their favorite topics and set the prices themselves. Online book publishing is part of the top 10 home based businesses because it enables women to publish books only in the demanded quantity. 4. Designing Shoes Many fashion-savvy females have a creative sense which is often specific to items like hoes.The Ideas may come to them naturally but they may be unable to take up shoe-designing as a full-fledged career option. However, women should utilize different software to develop unique designs and sell them to small-sized shoe businesses along with the ownership right to the designs. It would be a mutually beneficial relationship. 5. Conducting Online Research More and more companies are relying on t he internet as an effective tool for conducting marketing research. Some of the benefits they find in this option Include access to geographically dispersed respondents, less time required, etc.This has given birth to the need for employing individuals to conduct the research. Women with an inquisitive nature often prefer this choice out of the different top 10 home based businesses. 6. Image Consultancy This line of work Involves assisting people who wish to achieve their goal of Improving their overall Image. This Is known to be a women-centric choice among the top 10 home based businesses. This field pertains to providing consultancy In different areas, such as grooming, styling, dressing, etc. Audio Typing investment of a computer and internet connection. In most cases, these facilities are already present which makes it a zero-investment alternative. Women can offer the services as a typist to reproduce provided audio files into a written format. Although typing speed would be a helpful skill, beginners could always commit to a deadline according to their skills and improve with time. 8. Affiliate Marketing For Affiliate Marketing as one of the top 10 home based businesses, women need to have their own website.It would allow them to associate with other businesses to pay them a commission when visitors to their websites are linked to purchase the company's products. 9. Online Teaching Teaching makes it to the list of top 10 home based businesses because the internet has made it possible to use it as a way to make money online at home. Women can provide interactive sessions to students for their daily homework while offer topic- wise teaching through video tutorials. 10. Writing Guides Writing guides are one of the top 10 home based businesses suitable for women cause they often have a wide knowledge base on different topics. Women Empowerment Empowerment has multiple, interrelated and interdependent dimensions- economic, social, cultural and political. It can be understood in relation to resources, perceptions, Relationship and power. But what does women empowerment mean? Women empowerment generally has five components : firstly, women's sense of self worth; secondly, their right to have the power of control their own lives, both within and outside home; and lastly, their ability to influence the direction of social change to create a just social and economic order nationally, internationally and universally. Educational attainment and economic participation are the key constituents in ensuring the empowerment of women. Other than educational and economic empowerment, changes in women's mobility and social interaction and changes in intra-household decision-making are necessary. We should not forget that history in a witness to the women who have in the past demonstrated unique leadership capabilities. Razia Sultana, Rani of Jhansi, Sarojini Naidu and Indira Gandhi are motivation examples of women empowerment. I would like to peep into the past when the stature of women as destroyed. They were in this way; they deprived women of their due place. Most men view themselves as being the superior life-form in society. They justify this belief by saying that they are stronger and more capable; thus, making those more qualified for the more important roles in society. Treated as chattel in the early Roman society. In France, they were termed as half-soul creatures responsible for the destruction of society. The Chinese considered them as devil's soul. Japanese men preferred to live unmarried lives But the truth is that women have advanced in all the areas. In India, the empowerment process has already begun. We are now witnessing a steady improvement in the enrollment of women in schools, colleges and even in profession institutes. Their health is better as compared to earlier decades. In this decade, women are entering into the job market in increasing numbers. They are showing their skills even in non-traditional sectors like police, defense, administration, media and research fields. But a lot of work has to be done as there is a category of women (who consider themselves highly educated) that proudly accepts that they don't have digital literacy even though they own a computer, they cannot even operate bank accounts or make travel arrangements for family or handle hospital admissions even during emergencies. Even for a simple task like social visits or shopping generally they need the company of their husbands. Dependent women are not empowered women. If modern women think that they are empowered, it's a myth for them . If women choose to be ignorant then all the efforts taken by the Government and women activists will go in vain. Even in twenty-fifth century, they will remain backward and will be paying a heavy price for their dependence, so, it is a wake-up call for women to awake from their deep slumber and understand the true meaning of their empowerment. In the end I would like to conclude with the following words, â€Å"Women as the motherhood of the nation should be strong, aware and alert†. Thank you The end Women empowerment Blob Writing Firstly, women can start a personal blob. It should cover a topic which Is directly related to their skills set. Once they acquire a decent number of readers and followers, they could begin to offer them their services related to their skills and charge a fee for It. Another option In blobbing as one of the top 10 home based businesses involves writing for another individual or company and earning a service fee in return. 2. Providing Professional Advice Women can offer paid advice related to their profession.This is one of the top 10 home based businesses because they do not need to worry about setting up their own online platform for this service. There are many websites which offer professional advice to Its customers by appointing a team of experts from various lines of work. They often have predetermined rates and commissions for their registered experts while others also keep them negotiable. 3. Book Publishing Publishing may sound Like the most Investment-demandin g option out of the other top 10 home based businesses.This does not hold true for online book publishing or content marketing. Some websites offer free registration to use their online publishing services while others charge a nominal amount. In the end, women can enjoy writing books on their favorite topics and set the prices themselves. Online book publishing is part of the top 10 home based businesses because it enables women to publish books only in the demanded quantity. 4. Designing Shoes Many fashion-savvy females have a creative sense which is often specific to items like hoes.The Ideas may come to them naturally but they may be unable to take up shoe-designing as a full-fledged career option. However, women should utilize different software to develop unique designs and sell them to small-sized shoe businesses along with the ownership right to the designs. It would be a mutually beneficial relationship. 5. Conducting Online Research More and more companies are relying on t he internet as an effective tool for conducting marketing research. Some of the benefits they find in this option Include access to geographically dispersed respondents, less time required, etc.This has given birth to the need for employing individuals to conduct the research. Women with an inquisitive nature often prefer this choice out of the different top 10 home based businesses. 6. Image Consultancy This line of work Involves assisting people who wish to achieve their goal of Improving their overall Image. This Is known to be a women-centric choice among the top 10 home based businesses. This field pertains to providing consultancy In different areas, such as grooming, styling, dressing, etc. Audio Typing investment of a computer and internet connection. In most cases, these facilities are already present which makes it a zero-investment alternative. Women can offer the services as a typist to reproduce provided audio files into a written format. Although typing speed would be a helpful skill, beginners could always commit to a deadline according to their skills and improve with time. 8. Affiliate Marketing For Affiliate Marketing as one of the top 10 home based businesses, women need to have their own website.It would allow them to associate with other businesses to pay them a commission when visitors to their websites are linked to purchase the company's products. 9. Online Teaching Teaching makes it to the list of top 10 home based businesses because the internet has made it possible to use it as a way to make money online at home. Women can provide interactive sessions to students for their daily homework while offer topic- wise teaching through video tutorials. 10. Writing Guides Writing guides are one of the top 10 home based businesses suitable for women cause they often have a wide knowledge base on different topics. Women Empowerment Empowerment has multiple, interrelated and interdependent dimensions- economic, social, cultural and political. It can be understood in relation to resources, perceptions, Relationship and power. But what does women empowerment mean? Women empowerment generally has five components : firstly, women's sense of self worth; secondly, their right to have the power of control their own lives, both within and outside home; and lastly, their ability to influence the direction of social change to create a just social and economic order nationally, internationally and universally. Educational attainment and economic participation are the key constituents in ensuring the empowerment of women. Other than educational and economic empowerment, changes in women's mobility and social interaction and changes in intra-household decision-making are necessary. We should not forget that history in a witness to the women who have in the past demonstrated unique leadership capabilities. Razia Sultana, Rani of Jhansi, Sarojini Naidu and Indira Gandhi are motivation examples of women empowerment. I would like to peep into the past when the stature of women as destroyed. They were in this way; they deprived women of their due place. Most men view themselves as being the superior life-form in society. They justify this belief by saying that they are stronger and more capable; thus, making those more qualified for the more important roles in society. Treated as chattel in the early Roman society. In France, they were termed as half-soul creatures responsible for the destruction of society. The Chinese considered them as devil's soul. Japanese men preferred to live unmarried lives But the truth is that women have advanced in all the areas. In India, the empowerment process has already begun. We are now witnessing a steady improvement in the enrollment of women in schools, colleges and even in profession institutes. Their health is better as compared to earlier decades. In this decade, women are entering into the job market in increasing numbers. They are showing their skills even in non-traditional sectors like police, defense, administration, media and research fields. But a lot of work has to be done as there is a category of women (who consider themselves highly educated) that proudly accepts that they don't have digital literacy even though they own a computer, they cannot even operate bank accounts or make travel arrangements for family or handle hospital admissions even during emergencies. Even for a simple task like social visits or shopping generally they need the company of their husbands. Dependent women are not empowered women. If modern women think that they are empowered, it's a myth for them . If women choose to be ignorant then all the efforts taken by the Government and women activists will go in vain. Even in twenty-fifth century, they will remain backward and will be paying a heavy price for their dependence, so, it is a wake-up call for women to awake from their deep slumber and understand the true meaning of their empowerment. In the end I would like to conclude with the following words, â€Å"Women as the motherhood of the nation should be strong, aware and alert†. Thank you The end